Organizer Profile
Argentine Society of Pediatrics / Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria (SAP)

Argentine Society of Pediatrics / Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria (SAP)

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Argentine Society of Pediatrics is one of the oldest scientific institutions in the country.

Founded on October 20, 1911, the SAP brings together pediatric doctors already interested in the study and care of the human being in its period of growth and development.

Its independence from sectoral and conjunctural interests has made it an advisory entity to governments, universities and various community organizations in the maternal and infantile-juvenile area.

The destiny and work of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics is built daily with the joint effort of its 15,461 associates, through 44 Subsidiaries and 5 Delegations organized in 9 Regions. The professionals that make it up contribute their solidarity effort in pursuit of the corporate objectives solidly linked to the cause of childhood.

SAP's motto "for a healthy child in a better world" indicates not only the integrative perspective of pediatrics but also its commitment to a social historical reality that entrusts its future to it.