Speaker Profile
Steven M. Rosenblatt

Steven M. Rosenblatt MD

Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America

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Steven M. Rosenblatt, MD, is a Staff Surgeon in the Department of General Surgery at Cleveland Clinic. He joined Cleveland Clinic as a Clinical Associate in 2000 after completing a fellowship in advanced laparoscopy in the Department of General Surgery. Dr. Rosenblatt also holds staff positions with the Minimally Invasive Surgery Center and the Aging Brain Center, located at the Cleveland Clinic main campus. He is licensed by the State Medical Board of Ohio and board-certified by the American Board of Surgery. His specialty interests include gastrointestinal and laparoscopic hernia surgery. After earning a bachelor of arts degree in religion from Dartmouth College, Dr. Rosenblatt received his medical degree from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and was named winner of the Hewlett Packard Co. Top Medical Graduate Award.

Dr. Rosenblatt has lectured widely on laparoscopic surgery and related topics at medical conferences across the country and has co-authored many articles that have appeared in leading medical journals, such as Surgical Endoscopy, Neurosurgery and the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. He has been involved in numerous research projects in his field, including assessment of pre- and postoperative symptoms of biliary colic, operative management of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, laparoscopic splenectomy in the morbidly obese and many more.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)