Organizer Profile
Federacion Argentina de Asociaciones de Radiologia, Diagnostico por Imagenes, y Terapia Radiante (FAARDIT) / Argentina Federation of Associations of Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy

Federacion Argentina de Asociaciones de Radiologia, Diagnostico por Imagenes, y Terapia Radiante (FAARDIT) / Argentina Federation of Associations of Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy

Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina

Founded almost 40 years ago, the Argentina Federation of Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy (FAARDIT) is the institutional space that represents both radiology Argentina national level and in international fora of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging. It brings together more than 2000 radiologists from Argentina, as well as more than 1,500 graduates in Bioimaging and a significant number of young doctors residing in Diagnostic Imaging.

Our mission:
Bringing together all specialists in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging of Argentina through local scientific associations, establishing with them links scientific, cultural, social, safeguarding the ethical principles and protection of economic interests of its members, raising and the professional and scientific level of its members.

Our vision:
Unifying all professionals involved with the Diagnostic Imaging in a society Regarding regional and international levels able to collaborate and maintain training Scientific Resources Human high level of professionalism and academic who can interact as relevant in the global world.