Organizer Profile
Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA)

Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA)

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) is the peak national organisation promoting the interests of young children with disability / developmental delays and their families. ECIA has a National and State/Territory structure. The National Council consists of two representatives from each State/Territory Chapter.

ECIA provides a national focus and forum for Early Childhood Intervention, promoting the public profile of Early Childhood Intervention, facilitating effective liaison and collaboration in the community and with other peak and government bodies, and fostering quality information and service provision. Services include organisation of seminars and workshops for professionals and families, and a national conference every two years, as well as advocacy activities such as development of submissions to government and Early Childhood Intervention Awareness Week.

Our Purpose: To lead and strengthen professionals and organisations that provide early intervention support services for young children with disability and/or developmental delay and their families.