Organizer Profile
Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CACAP) / Academie Canadienne de Psychiateie de L'enfant et de L'adolescent (ACPEA)

Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CACAP) / Academie Canadienne de Psychiateie de L'enfant et de L'adolescent (ACPEA)

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry was founded in 1980 and in 2002 became the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CACAP) to reflect more accurately the children, youth and families served by the profession.

CACAP promotes quality care and service to the children, youth and families of Canadians within an approach that includes the biological, the psychological and the social; that works with other professional disciplines; and across many sectors of health and other related service organizations.

The Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry is a national organization of child and adolescent psychiatrists and other professionals in Canada, committed to advancing the mental health of children, youth and families through promotion of excellence in care, advocacy, education, research and collaboration with other professionals.