Organizer Profile
Colombian Association of Radiology / Asociacion Colombiana de Radiologia (ACR)

Colombian Association of Radiology / Asociacion Colombiana de Radiologia (ACR)

Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

The Colombian Association of Radiology is the scientific-union organization for the specialty of radiology and diagnostic images in Colombia. It is a non-profit corporation that seeks the personal and professional growth of its associates, through the provision of continuing medical education services, publications, research, promotion and consulting, which support the technical and scientific execution of the specialty.

To be the scientific organization - trade union that brings together specialists in Radiology and Diagnostic Images of Colombia and to represent in an integral way to the different people and entities related to diagnostic images with social and ethical responsibility; promote scientific development, the appropriate and responsible exercise of the specialty for the benefit of the community and exercises the functions conferred by Law 657 of 2001.
