Speaker Profile
Stephen Fenn

Stephen Fenn

Basingstoke, England, United Kingdom

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Dr Stephen Fenn is a Consultant Radiologist at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, specialising in Urological imaging and non-vascular intervention since being appointed in 2010. He was recently the co-clinical lead for the RIS/PACS procurement which completed ahead of time and with significant cost savings compared with the previous national contract.

This was achieved against the background of the merger of the separate Winchester and Basingstoke Hospital Trusts part way through the project, as well as active involvement in the SWASH consortium for over a year. He has a long held interest in medical imaging and informatics, most likely originating from the early days of consumer programming using Sinclair BASIC in the 1980s. With evolving technology he moved on first to Delphi applications and then web development, including several website designs for his Medical School and other Course-Related Learning sites. He created the first handover web-application for Torbay Hospital and is now concentrating on the creation of 3rd-party tools to improve the administration and integration of clinical software within the radiology department.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)