Speaker Profile
Scott W. Atlas

Scott W. Atlas MD

Radiology, Health Care Policy and Research
Stanford, California, United States of America

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Scott W. Atlas, MD, is the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and a member of Hoover Institution’s Working Group on Health Care Policy. He investigates the impact of government and the private sector on access, quality, pricing, and innovation in health care, and he is a frequent policy adviser to government leaders in those areas. Dr. Atlas’s most recent books include "Restoring Quality Health Care: A Six Point Plan for Comprehensive Reform at Lower Cost" (Hoover Institution Press, 2016) and "In Excellent Health: Setting the Record Straight on America’s Health Care System" (Hoover Institution Press, 2011).

Dr. Atlas has been interviewed by or has published in a variety of media, including BBC Radio, the PBS NewsHour, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine, CNN, USA Today, Fox News, London’s Financial Times, Brazil’s Correio Braziliense, Italy’s Corriere della Sera, and Argentina’s Diario La Nacion. Dr. Atlas also advises entrepreneurs and companies in the life sciences, medical technology, and health information technology sectors.

Dr. Atlas is also the editor of the leading textbook in the field, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, being published in its fifth edition and previously translated from English into Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese. He has been an editor, an associate editor, and a member of the editorial and scientific boards of many journals as well as national and international scientific societies during the past three decades and has written more than 120 scientific publications in leading journals.

As professor and chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center from 1998 until 2012 and during his prior academic positions, Dr. Atlas trained more than one hundred neuroradiology fellows, many of whom are now leaders in the field throughout the world. Dr. Atlas received a BS degree in biology from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and an MD degree from the University of Chicago School of Medicine.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)