Speaker Profile
Radoslav Herda

Radoslav Herda

Preventive Medicine, Primary Care
Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia

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Ing. arch. Radoslav Herda is a civic activist. He has co-founded two patient organizations SLOVAK PATIENT and Slovak Alliance of Rare Diseases. He is specialized in prevention of health, antimicrobial resistance, patient behavior and primary care. He supports better cooperation between patients, doctors and nurses and brings in the principles of no-blame culture in to healthcare system. He works on creating a better system of compensating the patients after medical errors. SLOVAK PATIENT cooperates with a team which is preparing the guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment at Ministry of Health SR and new recommendations for patients and patient safety. Mr. Herda leads influential web portal slovenskypacient.sk.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)