Speaker Profile
Pradeep Bhandari

Pradeep Bhandari MBBS, MD, MRCP

Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom

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Prof Bhandari went to the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, Japan on a visiting fellowship in 2004 to train in principles of early diagnosis of Gi cancers and endoscopic treatment or early cancers to avoid surgery. He was one of the pioneers in introducing these services in the UK and now runs an early cancer service that receives National and International referrals.

Prof Bhandari has been awarded various International awards and medals for his pioneering work in endoscopy. These include Hopkins prize (BSG), Crystal award (ASGE) and Freeland Barbour award (RCPE). He has a very keen academic interest in more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. He has been appointed as the Head of research for the European society of Gi Endoscopy.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)