Speaker Profile
Mary Beth Navarra-sirio

Mary Beth Navarra-sirio RN, MBA

Healthcare Management
Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom

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Ms. Navarra-Sirio, RN, MBA, is Vice President, Patient Safety Officer for the McKesson Corporation. She is responsible for developing and implementing strategies that improve patient safety within the McKesson product line. Ms. Navarra-Sirio chairs McKesson's patient safety committee and lectures nationally on patient safety. She is a member of the AHA Quest for Quality selection committee. The Quest for Quality Prize was created in partnership with the McKesson Corporation and the McKesson Foundation and recognizes hospitals that have successfully implemented the aims of the IOM. Ms. Navarra-Sirio also serves as a liaison to McKesson public affairs and has worked to educate public policy makers on the importance of technology in improving patient safety. She has championed bar code standards and provided testimony to the FDA on their proposed bar code mandate that has now been finalized. Ms. Navarra-Sirio sits on AONE's Patient Safety Task Force, and on the board of governor's of the National Patient Safety Foundation. Ms. Navarra-Sirio holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Kent State University and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business. Prior to joining McKesson, she spent 13 years working at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, starting as a critical care nurse with progressive management experience to the Administrator of Critical Care, Anesthesia, and Pain. Her experience there included implementation of information systems to improve patient care. She has numerous publications in the areas of severity adjusted critical care outcomes and cost effective ICU care and resource management.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)