Speaker Profile
Kamaldeep Bhui

Kamaldeep Bhui BSc (Pharmacol), MBBS, MSc (Epid), MSc (Mental Health Studies), MD (Res), FRCPsych, Dipl. Clin.Psychotherapy. Dip

Psychiatry, Public Health
London, England, United Kingdom

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Dr. Bhui is currently the Professor at the Research Centre for Psychiatry. He has received BSc (Pharmacol), MBBS, MSc (Epid), MSc (Mental Health Studies), MD (Res), FRCPsych, Dipl. Clin.Psychotherapy. Dip degrees from the Research Centre for Psychiatry at Barts (St Bartholomew’s Hospital) & The London School of Medicine. His research interests are Eating disorders and ethnicity, Racism as a risk factor for mental health problems, Improving Pathways to Care for BME groups, Dual Diagnosis and Ethnicity (Mellow Campaign, Somali Refugees and risk factors for mental disorders.

Bhui K, Warfa N. (2010) Trauma, Khat & Common Psychotic Symptoms: A quantitative study. J Ethnopharmacol. Jul 12. 132(3): 549-53

Bhui K, Khatib Y, Viner R, Klineberg E, Clark C, Head J, Stansfeld S. (2008) Cultural identity, clothing and common mental disorder: a prospective school-based study of white British and Bangladeshi adolescents.J Epidemiol Community Health. 62(5):435-41.

Viner RM, Clark C, Taylor SJ, Bhui K, Klineberg E, Head J, Booy R, Stansfeld SA. (2008) Longitudinal risk factors for persistent fatigue in adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. May;162(5):469-75.

Bowers L, Whittington R, Nolan P, Parkin D, Curtis S, Bhui K, Hackney D, Allan T, Simpson A. (2008) Relationship between service ecology, special observation and self-harm during acute in-patient care: City-128 study. Br J Psychiatry. Nov;193(5):395-401

McKenzie K, Bhui K, Nanchahal K, Blizard B. (2008) Suicide rates in people of South Asian origin in England and Wales: 1993-2003. Br J Psychiatry. Nov;193(5):406-9.

Rothon C, Edwards P, Bhui K, Viner RM, Taylor S, Stansfeld SA. (2010) Physical activity and depressive symptoms in adolescents: a prospective study. BMC Med. May 28;8(1):32.

Dinos S, Khoshaba B, Ashby D, White PD, Nazroo J, Wessely S, Bhui KS. (2009) A systematic review of chronic fatigue, its syndromes and ethnicity: prevalence, severity, co-morbidity and coping. Int J Epidemiol. Dec;38(6):1554-70.

Keown P, Weich S, Bhui K, Scott J. (2011) An ecological study of the association between mental illness bed provision and the rate of involuntary admissions in the NHS in England 1988-2008. BMJ 5, 343:d3736.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)