Speaker Profile
John Donlan

John Donlan MA

Healthcare Management
Westwood, Massachusetts, United States of America

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John has more than 17 years of managed care and health care management experience including extensive experience in risk-based contracting. John’s professional career began as an officer in the U.S. Army’s Medical Service Corps. He first served as a Medical Platoon Leader in Germany and Macedonia, then subsequently served as Director of Health Care Administration at NATO Headquarters in Belgium. Prior to joining Steward Health Care System, John served as Director of Provider Contracting at Tufts Health Plan. At Tufts HP, he led re-contracting efforts that substantially contributed to Tufts Health Plan’s successful membership turnaround and entry into the Rhode Island market.

John is an honours graduate from the University of Notre Dame and received his Master’s degree in Business Management from the University of Maryland, European Division. He received the designation of Certified Health Insurance Executive from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) association. John has also taught part-time as an Adjunct Faculty Member at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)