Speaker Profile
Issam A. Awad

Issam A. Awad MD

Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

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Issam A. Awad, M.D., is the John Harper Seeley Professor of Surgery at the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine and is the director of neurovascular surgery at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Dr. Awad is an internationally recognized leader in neurosurgery, with an interest in the surgical management of neurovascular conditions that affect the brain and spinal cord.

His research focuses on identifying molecular mechanisms that predispose patients to developing strokes or epilepsy and on ways to study the evolution of lesions in cerebral blood vessels. Dr. Awad earned his M.D. from Loma Linda University in California, and he completed his residency at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)