Speaker Profile
Eugenia Rota

Eugenia Rota MD

Novi ligure, Piedmont, Italy

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Dr. Eugenia Rota is Head of Neurology at the San Giacomo Hospital, Novi Ligure, AL, Italy, and therefore also responsible for the outpatient clinic at the Tortona hospital. We approached her precisely to talk about the work that is being done in this last clinic. She would like to make a small clarification, only apparently formal: She manage the SC (complex structure) of Neurology of Novi and Tortona, which has the ward and the stroke Unit in Novi Ligure, but which maintains an outpatient activity at the Tortona hospital. There was an outpatient clinic dedicated to headaches, which She decided to reorganize on the basis of her clinical experience and research in this area, offering patients (largely female) a comprehensive and updated therapeutic approach. She has also expertise clinical neurophysiology.