Speaker Profile
Asha Damodar Menon

Asha Damodar Menon Dip MDT

Physical Therapy
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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Asha is responsible for bringing the McKenzie education to India for the benefit of the Indian patients so that more Indian physiotherapists could undertake the training. In doing this, her goals are providing the benefits of patient empowerment and self-management to mechanical spinal and extremity patients and thereby reducing the health care costs in India. Since doing her first McKenzie course in 2003, her one-point agenda was to bring this globally successful management to the Indian patients, and make MDT assessment the primary assessment by all Physiotherapists in India.

She has lived and worked in Mumbai, and completed her Bachelors in Physiotherapy from Seth G. S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai University, in Nov 1988. She has been an active member of the physiotherapy profession in India. She embarked on the MDT education in 2003, became a Credentialled McKenzie Therapist in 2009, and attained the Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in 2012. She is in Private Practice in Mumbai, India.

She owns the only Certified McKenzie Clinic of India ‘Back Neck and Joints’, which attracts patients from all over India for the favour of MDT management. She is the Chief Clinical Principal in the ‘Certified McKenzie Clinic’ at The Bhartiya Arogya Nidhi Hospital, JVPD, Mumbai. She is the first in India to be accepted as Faculty on Probation for India, by The McKenzie Institute International, and teaches on the Part A and B, with the International faculty.

Asha has presented several lectures and presentations on MDT all over India: at Universities, Conferences, Academic Institutions, General Public, etc. She has published articles on MDT in peer-reviewed journals, Journals on Physiotherapy in India, and local medical journals.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)