Speaker Profile
Andrew M. Knoll

Andrew M. Knoll BS, MD, JD

Mental Health and Law
Syracuse, New York, United States of America

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Andrew, a founding Member of CCBLaw, concentrates his practice in healthcare law. He has extensive experience in representing professional healthcare providers in investigations and disciplinary proceedings by the New York Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) and the New York Education Department Office of Professional Discipline (OPD). Andrew has also negotiated numerous favorable resolutions for physicians at Fair Hearings and in disputes with Medical Executive Committees.

Andrew received his M.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1984 and was board certified in Internal Medicine for twenty years. He was a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American College of Legal Medicine.

A Persian Gulf veteran and former Navy Flight Surgeon, Andrew was honorably discharged from the United States Naval Reserve with the rank of Commander. He then attended Syracuse University College of Law, where he graduated summa cum laude, and received the Justinian Society Award for Highest Academic Average. A staff editor of the Syracuse University Law Review, his note, "Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa: A Call for Privilege for Self-Disclosure of Error in the Setting of Primary Medical Education" won the American Health Lawyers Association's 2002 Student Writing Competition.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)