Organizer Profile
World Interactive Network Focused On Critical UltraSound (WINFOCUS)

World Interactive Network Focused On Critical UltraSound (WINFOCUS)

Milano, Lombardia, Italy

The World Interactive Network Focused On Critical UltraSound (WINFOCUS) is the world leader scientific network committed to develop Point-of-Care Ultrasound practice, research, education, technology, and networking, addressing the needs of patients, institutions, services, and communities living in out-of-hospital and in-hospital critical scenarios. WINFOCUS goals:

• To identify critical scenarios where ultrasound, when implemented and incorporated into point-of-care, represents a critical added value to improve management, performance and outcomes;
• To identify ultrasound “point-of-care” applications within extra-hospital and in-hospital scenarios, consistent with prevention, triage, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of the critical patient;
• To identify the technical, clinical, organizational, and social competencies necessary for effective incorporation and diffusion of “point-of-care” ultrasound into critical scenarios, the methodology, technology, and instrumentation necessary for its implementation, and the feasibility, sustainability, and accuracy of the identified technologies;
• To evaluate and compare the experiences of different investigators through networking actions;
• To develop research projects and conferences;
• To promote quality assured training programs, incorporating them, where appropriate, into school and university curricula.