Organizer Profile
Tennessee Association of Optometric Physicians (TAOP)

Tennessee Association of Optometric Physicians (TAOP)

Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America

The Tennessee Association of Optometric Physicians (TAOP) found in 1901, represents more than 600 optometric physicians, students and paraoptometric assistants and technicians in nearly every county across the state.

The Tennessee Association of Optometric Physicians operates under the direction of its Nashville office staff, TAOP officers, and TAOP Board of Trustees, and within the framework of the TAOP Constitution and By-Laws. The Board of Trustees meets quarterly to conduct TAOP business. Matters requiring ratification of the general membership are discussed and voted upon during the meeting of the House of Delegates at the annual TAOP Congress.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Tennessee Association of Optometric Physicians (TAOP) is advancing Optometry and promoting quality health care through education and advocacy.

Strategic Goals:
• Member Support and Development
• Advocacy and Engagement
• Community Outreach
• Organizational Integrity and Growth