Organizer Profile
Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health / Sociedad Espanola de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental (SEPSM)

Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health / Sociedad Espanola de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental (SEPSM)

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Mission and values:
The Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SEPSM) is a scientific society whose purpose is is to lead Spanish Psychiatry by promoting the study and development of Psychiatry -with the areas that are related to it-, as well as its scientific and technical progress, care, teaching and research at all levels and areas of its competence; promote psychiatric information and training for general practitioners and participate in the training of specialists; contribute with research work and advice to the solution of the problems posed by the improvement of psychiatric care; organize and promote meetings and gatherings of scholars interested in basic psychiatric issues -scientific, epistemological and integrating anthropological-. Its territorial scope of action being that of the Spanish state.

SEPSM members must be in possession of the Spanish title of Doctor or Bachelor of Medicine and the official title of Specialist in Psychiatry in accordance with current legislation, as well as be registered in the National Registry of Specialists in Psychiatry of the country where they reside. Likewise, Spanish doctors who, being in a period of specialization in Psychiatry, so request.

The social importance of mental health drives the SEPSM to assume a public and voluntary responsibility commitment expressed in a Code of Good Practices.