Organizer Profile
PICS Foundation

PICS Foundation

Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

The PICS Foundation has been organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. The focus of the Foundation is to educate physicians and healthcare professionals involved in the care of children and adults with congenital and structural heart disease in the latest advances in the field of interventional therapies for congenital and structural cardiac defects. The PICS Foundation will provide educational meetings and materials to pediatric and adult cardiologists from all over the world. The PICS Foundation will also sponsor research in the area of congenital and structural heart disease.

The PICS Foundation may receive funding via individual contributions and grants from hospitals and other members of the medical community, registration fees from attendees of the annual symposium, exhibit fees from vendors attending the annual symposium and funds from individual contributors.

The primary activity of the PICS Foundation will be conducting an annual meeting for healthcare professionals. The Pediatric & Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium is an annual meeting that is attended by approximately 1,000 healthcare professionals from all around the world. The symposium consists of 4 days of lectures and live case operations.