Organizer Profile
Parkview Medical Center

Parkview Medical Center

Pueblo, Colorado, United States of America

Parkview Medical Center is the largest non-government, nonprofit, private sector employer in Pueblo County with more than 2,700 employees and provides a skilled medical staff of over 370 physicians. The impact of our workforce triggers a strong impact on the community as Parkview’s annual payroll contributes $134 million to the economy.

Parkview’s mission is to “provide the highest quality health care to the people they serve.”

Their vision is "to be the provider of choice for patients, physicians, and employees.

Since it all began in 1923, Parkview Medical Center has provided millions of dollars in charity care to their community and in fiscal 2016, this important work continued. With the state’s expansion of Medicaid, their region in particular has seen tremendous growth in the number of Medicaid recipients and the latest county numbers indicate more than 60,000 of the 160,000 people in their county are aligned for Medicaid services. Their business volume with Medicaid has moved from 14% in 2010 to over 28% today.

Parkview remains one of only two large, independent community hospitals operating in Colorado. Parkview’s success can be directly attributed to its outstanding governing board. Their board members define themselves as Pueblo citizens first and Parkview board members second. Having this independence allows the Board and leadership the ability to prioritize key decisions and commit resources based solely on the needs of their community.