Organizer Profile
Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Singapore (OGSS)

Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Singapore (OGSS)

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

The Obstetrical & Gynecological (O & G) Society of Singapore (OGSS) was formed to provide a focal point for doctors who were interested in practising obstetrics and gynaecology to meet on a regular basis at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital, which was then the largest maternity hospital in the world.

Common interest led to the registration of the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society as a section within the Singapore Medical Association on 7 September 1960. On 27 July 1972, the Constitution of the society was registered and the society became an independent autonomous body. The Inaugural Meeting of the new society was held on 3 September 1972 and Professor S S Ratnam became the first President of the new society and 41 members present constituted the Founder Members of the new society.