Organizer Profile
National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health (NPWH)

National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health (NPWH)

Washington, Dist of Col, United States of America

As a national professional membership organization, NPWH is the nation's leading voice for courageous conversations about women's health. In their clinics and in their culture, women's health nurse practitioners champion state-of-the-science health care that holistically addresses the unique needs of women across their lifetimes. They elevate the health issues others overlook and compel attention on women's health from providers, policymakers, and researchers.

Other advanced practice registered nurses rely on us for authoritative resources and education that improve women's health and wellness through evidence-based practice. NPWH pioneers policies to address gender disparities and forges strategic partnerships that advance health equity and holistic models of care.

The National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health's (NPWH) mission is to ensure the provision of quality primary and specialty healthcare to women of all ages by women's health and women's health focused nurse practitioners. Their mission includes protecting and promoting a woman's right to make her own choices regarding her health within the context of her personal, religious, cultural, and family beliefs.

Since its inception in 1980, NPWH has been a trusted source of information on nurse practitioner education, practice, and women's health issues. NPWH works with a wide range of individuals and groups within nursing, medicine, the healthcare industry, and the women's health community.

NPWH will strive to continuously improve access and quality of health care for women. This will be accomplished through excellence and innovation in continuing education and professional development; leadership in policy, practice and research; and through support and services for their members.

• Practice
• Education
• Research
• Policy
• Membership