Organizer Profile
Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS)

Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS)

Gurugram, Haryana, India

The IPS is the oldest & largest organization of mental health professionals in India. Founded in 1947, the IPS endeavors to advance the field of mental health in India.

• Promote and advance the subject of Psychiatry and allied sciences in all their different branches.
• Promote the improvement of the mental health of the people and mental health education.
• Promote prevention, control, treatment and relief of all psychiatric disabilities.
• Formulate and advise on the standards of education and training for medical and auxiliary personnel in psychiatry and to recommend adequate teaching facilities for the purpose.
• Promote research in the field of psychiatry and mental health.
• Propagate the principles of psychiatry and current development in psychiatric thought.
• Deal with any matters relating to mental health concerning the country and to do all other things as are cognate to the subjects of the Indian Psychiatric Society.
• Safeguard the interest of Psychiatrists and fellow professionals in India.