Organizer Profile


Washington, Dist of Col, United States of America

HCV remains a worldwide epidemic with over 160 million people chronically infected, and 3.9 million infected with HCV in the United States. Baby boomers are ve times more likely to have HCV and represent over 75% of Americans with HCV. Additionally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25% of people living with HIV in the U.S. are co-infected with HCV and 80% of people with HIV who inject drugs also have HCV. While advances in HCV cure therapy have improved survival rates for patients with cirrhosis and reduced overall costs, a comprehensive approach to HCV prevention, care, and treatment is needed to curb the epidemic, especially as the opioid crisis fuels increases in new infections. HealthHCV, an initiative of HealthHIV, advances hepatitis C (HCV) advocacy, education, and training by:
• Designing and delivering medical and consumer education and training programs to improve the ability of organizations, professionals, and individuals to address the needs of people living with HCV.
• Developing and implementing sound public health policy responsive to the shifting landscape of viral hepatitis and health care in the United States.
• Conducting health service research that identies trends across viral hepatitis, HIV, and the broader health care landscapes.