Organizer Profile
Health Action Network Society (HANS)

Health Action Network Society (HANS)

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Health Action Network Society (HANS) is a non-profit society incorporated under the B.C. Company Act on July 25, 1984.

As the name implies, the society was created to “network”—to put people (individuals, the public and private organizations) in touch with one another in the effort to maintain and enhance health from a holistic perspective. HANS members and donors are like-minded people of all backgrounds who share an interest in health as well as environmental issues that impact health.

HANS shares information on preventive health, complementary and alternative medicine, and natural therapeutics through our website, Health Action magazine, the HANS e-News, and regular events. To stimulate the journey towards individual and collective well-being, the organization also supports investigation and action on a variety of natural health, policy-related and environmental campaigns.

HANS believes that health is ultimately an individual responsibility. It understands health as “balance”: a balance of the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions in each person, and a balance between each person and the natural and social environments. The path to achievement of health lies in accepting personal responsibility for the natural environment, diet and nutrition, physical activity, psychological stress, and political and cultural fellowship in the community.