Organizer Profile
Harvard University Health Services (HUHS)

Harvard University Health Services (HUHS)

Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America

Harvard University Health Services is a multi-specialty medical practice exclusively for members of the Harvard community—students, faculty, staff, eligible post-docs, retirees, and their dependents.

To heal. To care. To educate.

• Identify and respond to the health care needs of all segments of the Harvard University community—students, faculty, staff, retirees, their dependents, and the University as a whole.
• Treat patients with dignity, respect, and compassion, by providing high quality, individualized care and educating our community about ways to improve and maintain well-being. Design services that empower individuals in ways that will enable them to lead healthier lives, act as intelligent, informed consumers of health services, and obtain individualized, state-of-the-art health care when needed. We will also offer the most current information and expertise on health care issues to the University as a whole.
• Create an organization that respects and appreciates its most important resource, its staff, by continuing to build a team of committed individuals and providing an organizational environment in which they can advance their knowledge and feel a sense of accomplishment.
• Ensure the highest possible quality in all work performed by every member of the organization and remain committed to the continuous improvement and development of a model health care delivery system, as exemplary as the University of which we are a part.
• Commit to meeting the community's expectations through intelligent management of all of our resources.

Guiding principles that drive each and every interaction with our patients.