Organizer Profile
Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association (GPPA)

Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association (GPPA)

Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

The Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association, a district branch of The American Psychiatric Association, is a medical specialty organization of approximately 700 psychiatrists working together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental disorders, including developmental disabilities and substance related disorders.

Their activities include:
• Professional education and development for psychiatrists and psychiatric practice team members.
• Representation in the Georgia General Assembly on behalf of the interests of psychiatrists and their patients.
• Promotion of high quality psychiatric education and research.
• Provision of leadership and networking opportunities for members.

The Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association is dedicated to promoting professional values and ethics in the practice of psychiatry, as well as access to the highest quality of medical care through support of education and advocacy for Their profession, Their patients and their families.

• Best standards of clinical practice
• Highest ethical standards of professional conduct
• Prevention, access, care and sensitivity for patients and compassion for their families
• Patient-focused treatment decisions
• Scientifically established principles of treatment
• Advocacy for patients
• Leadership
• Lifelong professional learning and development
• Collegial support
• Respect for diverse views and pluralism within the field and the association
• Respect for other health professionals