Organizer Profile
Georgia Hospital Association (GHA)

Georgia Hospital Association (GHA)

Marietta, Georgia, United States of America

GHA is a nonprofit trade association made up of member health systems, hospitals and individuals in administrative and decision-making positions within those institutions. Founded in 1929, GHA serves 173 hospitals in Georgia. Its purpose is to promote the health and welfare of the public through the development of better hospital care for all of Georgia's citizens. GHA members are committed to improving institutional health care services and, in turn, patient care. The association provides information and education on issues ranging from access to health care and clinical care updates to effective hospital management and compliance with high-level accreditation standards. From its headquarters near Atlanta, GHA represents its members to Congress and the General Assembly and before federal and state regulatory agencies. GHA is an allied member of the American Hospital Association.

Mission Statement:
To advance the health of individuals and communities by serving as the leading advocate for all Georgia hospitals and healthcare systems.

Georgia, where all achieve their highest potential for health through healthy hospitals, communities and individuals.

Values and Guiding Principles:
GHA activities are guided by respect, people, integrity, leadership, diversity, and collaboration.