Organizer Profile


Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

GeneOnline is a premium biotechnology platform providing the latest news on global biotech market trend and genetic researches.

GeneOnline provides the latest news on global biotechnology market trend and genetic researches to our target audience, including medics, academics, and biotechnology professionals in mandarin and english speaking communities, through a wide range of channels. GeneOnline also specializes in hosting conferences in biomedicine and biotechnology around the world including the US, Taiwan, Japan and other countries. Interviewing professionals to create feature stories is one of our strengths.

The creation of the "genetic online" online media is mainly due to the fact that the Chinese people's knowledge of genes still stays on the understanding of knowledge. However, there is still a lack of professional news media in the field of genetics.

The gene line will introduce the correct genetic concept of the Chinese people and related reports of advanced genetic industries at home and abroad, and use the in-depth texts to help the people quickly absorb genes and new knowledge of biomedicine.