Organizer Profile
Flemish Institute for Biotechnology / Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB)

Flemish Institute for Biotechnology / Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB)

Gent, East Flanders, Belgium

History of VIB
On January 1, 1996, VIB became a fully-fledged institute, of which the legal foundations had already been laid in 1995. When it was set up, the Flemish government wrote down VIB’s core activities in a management agreement. The main objective was to strengthen the excellence of Flemish life sciences research on the one hand and to turn the results into new economic growth on the other.

About VIB
VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium. With more than 1470 scientists from over 60 countries, we perform basic research into the molecular foundations of life.

This is an excellence-based entrepreneurial institute that focuses on translating basic scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications.

It works in close partnership with five universities − UGent, KU Leuven, University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Hasselt University and is funded by the Flemish government.

This develops and disseminates a wide range of science-based information about all aspects of biotechnology.