Organizer Profile
Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) / Federation des Femmes Medecins du Canada (FFMC)

Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) / Federation des Femmes Medecins du Canada (FFMC)

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Founded in 1924 by six pioneering women attending the CMA annual meeting, their founders recognized that they could serve both professionals and patients by forming the Federation of Medical Women of Canada. The six founding physicians were:

The Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) is a national organization committed to the professional, social and personal advancement of women physicians and to the promotion of the well-being of women both in the medical profession and in society at large.

FMWC seeks to be the networking and professional development home for all Canadian women in the medical profession while being the preeminent advocate for women’s health across Canada.

The emblem of the FMWC emblem consists of the staff and snake of Aesculapius, the god of healing in Greek mythology. The addition of the single wing symbolizes the spread of peace through the alleviation of disease and ignorance.