Organizer Profile
European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH)

European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH)

The European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH) is a registered international non-profit organisation.

EPATH stands for:

European: as the continent with 50 countries (not only EU)
Professional: exchange of knowledge, research, good practices in different disciplines and experiences
Association: as in ‘groups of associated persons who usually meet periodically because of common interests and objectives’
Transgender: is used as an umbrella term referring to transgender, transsexual and gender-nonconforming people
Health: in its broadest meaning, and refers to physical, mental and social well-being.


• To promote mental, physical and social health of transgender people in Europe
• To increase the quality of life among transgender people in Europe
• To ensure transgender people’s rights for healthy development and well-being

• To foster the European knowledge and skills in transgender care
• To facilitate and extend the bonds between European countries in transgender care
• To spread the results of research and experiences by publishing reports and organising scientific conferences and meetings and to collaborate with international organisations with the same or related aims