Organizer Profile
European Pancreatic Club (EPC)

European Pancreatic Club (EPC)

Vienna, Wien, Austria

The EPC was founded in 1965, with the aim of bringing together basic scientists and clinicians in an informal atmosphere to promote friendship and research collaboration. Since then, the EPC has grown to become a major professional platform with several hundred members that has supported and served pancreatologists in Europe for more than 50 years.

• Promote communication between basic and clinical scientists in Europe who are interested in the pancreas and its disorders
• Promote and organize an annual scientific meeting dedicated to all aspects of the pancreas
• Promote scientific, epidemiological, and clinical research on pancreatic function, prevention, diagnosis, and the therapy of pancreatic diseases.
• Establish scholarships and promote postgraduate education/training
• Support other meetings about the pancreas that are organized by members of the EPC
• Disseminate information about EPC activities and publish such educational matter that the EPC council may consider desirable