Organizer Profile
Einstein Healthcare Network

Einstein Healthcare Network

New Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

About Einstein's patient satisfaction mission, vision and goals.

With humanity, humility and honor, to heal by providing exceptionally intelligent and responsive healthcare and education for as many as we can reach.

By ‘with humanity’ we mean...
with humanness and benevolence

By ‘humility’ we mean...
with a modest view of our own importance

By ‘honor’ we mean...
with due esteem and reverence

By ‘heal’ we mean...
to restore physical and emotional integrity, bring into balance or provide comfort, whether for body, mind, spirit or community

By ‘exceptionally intelligent’ we mean...
by relentlessly reaching for the most comprehensive and incisive knowledge

By ‘responsive’ we mean...
by anticipating needs and responding in a timely manner

By ‘as many as we can reach’ we mean...
those in the geographic and demographic communities that we serve

Einstein Brilliance and Compassion

In All We Touch By ‘Brilliance’ we mean...
our aspiration to shine in all that we do; to have exceptional intellectual clarity and grace; to uniquely comprehend, understand and benefit from experience. By ‘Compassion’ we mean...
to treat with dignity and respect; to have a deep and human understanding of the feelings of others and a motivation to act to alleviate or reduce suffering.

By ‘In All We Touch’ we mean...
at every level of our being; the internal working relationships of the organization and the individuals, populations or communities with whom we live and interact.