Organizer Profile
ECCO - the European CanCer Organisation

ECCO - the European CanCer Organisation

Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

ECCO - the European CanCer Organisation, is the only multidisciplinary organisation that connects and responds to all stakeholders in oncology Europe-wide.

ECCO exists to provide a cohesive platform for European cancer societies and organisations to work together to improve cancer patient outcomes and to be the unified voice of the European cancer professionals community when addressing common policy issues.

ECCO’s vision
To improve outcomes for all cancer patients in Europe through multidisciplinarity.

ECCO’s core values
The essential and enduring values that guide ECCO in all of its activities are:

Patient Centricity - ECCO puts cancer patients at the centre of its concerns and activities and strives to do the very best for them
Commitment to Science - ECCO’s policies reflect the very latest scientific knowledge and are independent of any vested interests
Cohesiveness - ECCO believes that combining the efforts of its members goes further towards achieving common goals than the sum of its members’ individual efforts
Inclusiveness - ECCO seeks to include all non-profit organisations that share its vision and values
Equality and Fairness - All ECCO members have a voice in the organisation and ECCO strives to transcend the interests of any one member
Openness and Transparency - ECCO is committed to be transparent in and accountable for all it does