Organizer Profile
Colombian Association of Psychiatry / Asociacion Colombiana de Psiquiatría (ACP)

Colombian Association of Psychiatry / Asociacion Colombiana de Psiquiatría (ACP)

Bogota, Bogota DC, Colombia

The Scientific Committee of the Colombian Psychiatric Association is one of the three pillars of work of the Association. Its main activity has been the organization of the National Congress every year, which promotes the updating of our colleagues, and also serves as a social meeting space. Year after year the congress has been growing qualitatively, going from symposia based exclusively on reviews of topics, to programs that show the advances and achievements in the research of various work groups in the country. The Colombian Psychiatric Association is the only one, one of the few, scientific societies in Colombia that has held 50 congresses. Contribute to the development of Psychiatry by stimulating its study, teaching, diffusion and research to favor the competent exercise of the professio Ales of the specialty.
• To meet the representation needs of the country's psychiatrists.
• Foster the design of policies, plans, programs and projects on issues related to mental health, care and care.