Organizer Profile
Canadian Association of Neurophysiological Monitoring (CANM)

Canadian Association of Neurophysiological Monitoring (CANM)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In 2008, the first Canadian symposium on intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring took place in Toronto, Ontario. At that meeting, the concept of CANM was launched and the Canadian Association of Neurophysiological Monitoring (CANM) Steering Committee was formed. Since then, CANM has become incorporated (with bylaws) and we have hosted 6 annual symposiums. They can become a CANM member by checking out the membership categories and seeing where their fit (it also entitles you to a discount on CANM symposium registration fee). Your participation and support will help make neuromonitoring in Canada second to none.

Mission and Vision:
The CANM mission is to promote the field of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring and foster the development of the profession through education and certification, so as to provide optimum patient care. The vision is to be recognized as the united voice for the profession of neurophysiological monitoring in Canada.