Organizer Profile
Bern University of Applied Sciences / Berner Fachhochschule (BFH)

Bern University of Applied Sciences / Berner Fachhochschule (BFH)

Bern, Bern, Switzerland

The Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH is an application-oriented university. In addition to teaching, further education, research and development as well as services are our core competences.

The BFH is a leading, internationally recognized University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland for creative, initiative and responsible thinking and acting personalities.

The BFH prepares students for professional activities that implement scientific knowledge and methods or use artistic design skills. With its innovative and practical offer in teaching, research and development, further education and services, BFH contributes to a sustainable contribution to the university and business location of Berne and creates an attractive environment for disciplinary and interdisciplinary activities. The BFH is regionally anchored, but networked nationally and internationally, and enables its students and staff to best develop their abilities by creating appropriate framework conditions.