Organizer Profile
Australian Society for Antimicrobials (ASA)

Australian Society for Antimicrobials (ASA)

East perth, Western Australia, Australia

Since becoming an Incorporated Society in March 1999, ASA membership now covers a diverse background of professions interested in the study of antimicrobials, including:
• clinical microbiologists
• infectious diseases physicians
• respiratory and ICU physicians
• medical and non-medical microbiologists
• scientists
• pharmacists
• veterinarians
• undergraduate and postgraduate students
• industry representatives from pharmaceutical and diagnostic/research biomedical companies.

Objectives of the Society:
• To facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in the field of antimicrobials
• To encourage communication and cooperation between those actively engaged in the field of antimicrobials and related disciplines
• To hold meetings and conferences in furtherance of objectives
• To demonstrate publicly the need for an educated and considered approach to the use of antimicrobials
• To subscribe to or become a member of and cooperate with any national or international body whose objectives are similar to those of the Society
• To print or publish any periodicals, books or papers that the Society may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives
• To encourage research in the study of antimicrobials by grants from funds of the Society or through the Society and by the establishment of scholarships and awards in such a manner as the Society determines
• To establish, endow, contribute to, organise and manage provident or benevolent funds for the benefit or assistance of members of the Society
• To provide advice to administrative, scientific and other bodies on matters concerning antimicrobials