Organizer Profile
Asia Pacific Cancer Conference (APCC)

Asia Pacific Cancer Conference (APCC)

Seocho, Seoul, South Korea

This is an immense honor for both the APCC 2017 organizing committee and the entire faculty of the Korean Cancer Association to be hosting this event which will bring some of the brightest minds in the field of cancer and represent a unique chances for scientific cooperation and association at the international level.

As the host of the 8th and the 18th APCC as well as other cancer related congresses, it gives us an extraordinary honor to hold the upcoming 24th APCC Conference for the third time in Korea, where we have no doubt that it will be one of the best conferences. Our goal is to provide participants an opportunity to share and learn innovative techniques and results of promising research by cancer experts from all over the globe.

As many of you may know, Seoul is a particularly dynamic city that is fast developing with the continuous advancement of IT as well as the spread of the Korean cultural wave. Back dropped by the bustling scenery of Seoul, we hope this conference will be an unforgettable meeting that is sure to be worth your time.