Organizer Profile
APA Practice Organization

APA Practice Organization

Washington, Dist of Col, United States of America

The APA Practice Organization is the only national organization that promotes the mutual professional interests of psychologists in all practice settings. APA Practice Organization is a legally separate companion organization to APA. Because of APA’s tax status as a charitable organization, it cannot legally advocate for practitioners’ marketplace interests. The Practice Organization serves this important role for the profession. Membership in the Practice Organization is separate from membership in APA.

The Practice Organization in collaboration with state, provincial and territorial psychological associations pursue a wide range of activities to promote and support practicing psychologists, including:

• Creating tools and information to help manage and grow your practice.
• Advocating for your interests in Congress, state legislatures and the courts.
• Pursuing fair reimbursement for all psychological services.
• Fighting parity violations and other managed care abuses.
• Affirming the doctoral standard for entry into the profession.
• Protecting you from assaults to your scope of practice.