Organizer Profile
Aeromedical Society of Australasia (ASA)

Aeromedical Society of Australasia (ASA)

Georges hall, New South Wales, Australia

The Society is focused on education, professional development and sharing through the Society's conferences and other means; including information provided on this website to members and others. Support is provided for members to travel and attend international conferences and seminars; including those of our partner organisations in other parts of the world.

The Society has developed of a set of minimum standards aimed at enhancing optimal patient care while aiming for the highest level of safety. The emphasis is on quality.

Formed in 1985 as the Australian chapter of the International Society of Aeromedical Services (ISAS), the organisation was renamed the Aeromedical Society of Australasia in 2010 to reflect the important role and professional standing our members have in the aeromedical industry and community-at-large.

The Society had its beginnings in Europe; as described in the paper 'ISAS Beginnings' (below) presented by Gerhard Kugler, one of the 'fathers' of air medicine, to the Society's 2007 scientific meeting in Wellington, NZ.