Organizer Profile


Washington, Dist of Col, United States of America

AcademyHealth has a long and successful track record in this space. The organization was formed in June 2000, following a merger between the Alpha Center, a leading health policy resource center providing research analysis, facilitation, education, and training, and the Association for Health Services Research, a non-profit professional society for those with a commitment to health services research, whose mission involved educating consumers and policymakers about the importance of health services research, securing funding for the field, and providing networking and professional development opportunities.

Health services research, put simply, is the science of study that determines what works, for whom, at what cost, and under what circumstances. It studies how their health system works, how to support patients and providers in choosing the right care, and how to improve health through care delivery.

Building on the strengths of its predecessor organizations and remaining ever-receptive to the evolving needs of the field, AcademyHealth has grown to become a trusted partner in the discovery and dissemination of timely and relevant research-based strategies to improve health and health care.