Organizer Profile
International Pilonidal Society (IPS)

International Pilonidal Society (IPS)

Meadowbrook, Queensland, Australia

IPS is a not for profit health promotion society with the following aims:
• Promote communication between surgeons managing patients with pilonidal sinus.
• Promote and organize scientific meetings regarding pilonidal sinus and related conditions.
• Promote research into pilonidal sinus including prevention and treatment.
• Set up training opportunities for surgeons and surgeons in training.
• Provide information about pilonidal sinus and APSS events.

International Pilonidal Society is looking for:
• All surgeons who have an interest in pilonidal sinus treatment.
• Patients to share their experience on our blog.
• Sponsors as the website is currently unfunded.
• Suggestions e.g. conference venues, topics, speakers.