Organizer Profile
German-speaking Medical Society for Paraplegia eV / Deutschsprachige Medizinische Gesellschaft fur Paraplegie e.V. (DMGP)

German-speaking Medical Society for Paraplegia eV / Deutschsprachige Medizinische Gesellschaft fur Paraplegie e.V. (DMGP)

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

The ever-growing number of people suffering from paraplegia, the ever-better and more complicated treatment of these patients, the need for cooperation between many different occupational groups in acute treatment and rehabilitation necessitated the founding of such a society in German-speaking countries on 06.10.1985. In contrast to other societies in this field, an emphasis was placed on the partnership and multi-professional cooperation of all occupational groups involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of paraplegicsplaced. On 18.10.1987 this led to a change in the statutes of the DMGP. Today, the DMGP is supported by the activity, knowledge, and experience of the respective working groups.

The objectives of this charitable association are the dissemination of knowledge about the comprehensive treatment of paraplegics. This is done by organizing meetings and workshops on a regular basis, conducting and participating in congresses and training events, and publishing scientific results.

Furthermore, advanced training takes place once or twice a year within the framework of subject-specific working group meetings. The results of these meetings will be published in an appropriate form.

The DMGP supports scientific projects on spinal cord injury, which can be financially supported upon request.

A particularly important area of work in cooperation with other medical societies active in the same fields. The DMGP, therefore, maintains close ties with the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and encourages members to become involved there.

To reward outstanding contributions to cross-sectional paralysis, the Society awards two science awards, the Ludwig Guttmann Prize for Outstanding Scientific Research, and the Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Meinecke Prize for the two best abstract submissions for the Annual Annual Meeting of the DMGP.